By now my hometown Pune has become kind of swine flu capital of India. One can infer that there are more people coming into Pune from USA & Europe than Banglore and we Puneri people can also claim that we are ahead of Banglore in the IT capital race. While it is really tragic to see young children die of this killer flu, it is also providing some sort of entertainment in our daily life. There is a panic in the city and people are taking all sort of precautions to save themselves. Me and my Puneri friends could not stay away from the wit and sarcasm Pune is known for. So here is the list of some freak scenes around the city and offices.
The Masketeers
1. People are wearing masks alright but the ones many are using are surgical masks which are generally used to save the patients cut open in the OT bed from the doctors and nurses sneezing and not the doctors and nurses from the patient. But it is used the other way round here.
2. One can understand people wearing masks in public places but we have seen people wearing masks in closed AC cars!!! some more funny places are like within their homes, office canteens where you have to open mouth to eat and drink.
3. Many of the masks are in shape of a birds beak. So we have lot of birds around. One of our team member with beak is working on a twitter client project. (For those still not on twitter – twitter’s logo is a bird, canary to be precise)
4. Generally Puneri ladies are know to be roaming around in terrorist like outfits. Scarf or Chunaris all around their hair and face. But this scarf business is making it difficult for everyone to recognize even their friends. So you may end up speaking with someone for few minutes and if there is no personal reference you will wonder who that fella was. So we are asking friends to write their names on the masks.
5. We are advised to have minimum three layers if we are using our hankies as masks. Now whosoever found that it takes three layers to be safe can please also tell us how to tie a hankie around your nose AND mouth in three layers? Typically you can do it in two or four layers. Two is not safe and four is too small.
Symbolic Actions
6. Office admins and staffs all across are showing their responsibility by providing “some” kind of masks to the support teams like security, housekeeping, canteen etc. and these guys are showing their efficiencies by removing them after few hours in morning. Overall status “We implemented. We followed.” Not many are really concerned about “effective solution”.
7. On the same lines local political party workers are beating up chemists who are selling the N95 masks at very high prices. Chemists are claiming that they are buying at high prices and government should control it at wholesaler/ manufacturer level. Government is busy protecting businesses. See next point.
8. All schools, private tuitions and colleges are closed for one week. But movie theatres are closed for 3 days only. Simple reason. Monday to Thursday is anyway low business time for them. Friday to Sunday is peak time and new releases. You can’t keep your business closed on these days. So you show concern for public health without making much dent to your pocket.
9. Malls are not closed at all. There are big time “sales” going on till independence day. There is so much of inventory built up. You can’t let it go waste.
I am sure many of you must have found such freaks around in your cities as well. Please post them in comments.
Hello sir,
I am Anil and i work in the Microsoft account(same as yours). Of late i have been following your blogs and i must admit it is very thought provoking.
It would be great to hear your thoughts on recession.
Anil Godavarthy